Thursday, April 5, 2012


I am working diligently on creating a portfolio of work I've done. I'm pretty flexible, and if you have something you like, I will try my hand at anything. If you know someone who needs something, PLEASE recommend me.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Welcome to Fete 15!

Well after months of being harassed by friends, I've finally decided to launch my own design business. I'm not sure I ever really envisioned something of this matter, but I'm glad that I'm going to embark on this little journey.

Fete 15 was named in Beth's backyard. 15 in a special number for me. I was engaged on November 15. Both my children were born on the 15th - December 15 and February 15. I can't help but feel this is a special number, so I started with that. Beth recommended fete because it means party. Perfection since I wanted to design packages for parties. Thus - a business was named. And that was about it.

In the mean time, I've been designing things for friends and students, and I've been working to build my portfolio. Thank you all for supporting me and spreading the word.